The Cultural Funding Program Guidelines can be accessed at

OSP Requirements:

• Organizations must have been funded through OSP for FY2024

• Organizations must provide a 1:1 cash match

• Provide quarterly reporting on activities and programs presented by the organization, attendance and venue.

• Provided a mid-year report in March 15, 2024, and final report by August 15, 2024 with updated financials.

• Must submit a notice to renew the second year of award funding by August 15, 2024, along with an updated list of project activities, operational budget and proof of liability insurance. Failure to provide these items by the deadline will result in the cancellation of Year 2 Funding.

  • Failure to meet the requirements of the OSP funding category during year 1 of funding will result in the cancellation of year 2.

This category is for:

• Organizations that have maintained an operating budget of $100,000 or more for Year 2 continuation funding

• Organizations that have maintained their  501(c)(3) Letter of Determination

• Organizations whose funding request will not exceed 50% of the organization’s previous year’s expenditures as determined by the IRS 990 Form

• Organizations that have maintained a professional part-time or full-time Executive Director or Business Manager

• General operating expenditures, including artistic and administrative expenses.

El Paso Museums and Cultural Affairs Department